what has been included in the text.

Images:there are multiple images in the text for instance “coughing like hags,”creates the image of a group of men trudging through the mud struggling to breathe as they may have just escaped a gas cloud “drunk with fatigue,”reiterates this as they would be struggling to walk from exhaustion.”an ecstacy of fumbling,”also fabricates an image in the readers mind of a sudden burst of adrenaline as they notice the gas and a rush as they search for they’re gas masks with little hope of discovering them.”guttering, choking, drowning.”for me this arouses a sense of hopelessness as they soldier affected has gone past the point of possible survival yet he is still alive grasping at the last fragments that he has left.


slang is used in the second line when Owen refers to the soldiers to be “coughing like hags.”this gives the sense that the soldiers are struggling to breathe most likely due to a previous gas attack.

irony “an ecstasy of fumbling,”this is ironic as the soldiers would not have a sense of ecstasy but more so a sense of terror as in tat moment they faced possible death.

cliche “dulce et decorum est pro patria mori,” this translates to how sweet and fulfilling it is to die for ones country. although this is used ironically in this case it is never the less a cliche which Owen has used to reiterate his point further that war is glorified and is not as Honorable as it seems.

The entire forth paragraph is a rhetorical question as it asks the reader that if you where in the same position as Owen was would you still believe in dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.

Task 3:

The contrast between how the superiors see the soldiers and how the family 
view the soldiers are severely different although the soldiers should be viewed as humans with 
family's. the soldiers being referred to as "cattle" 


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